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Past Projects

Past Projects

Below are some of the past science education research projects involving members of the group.


Summary of the VICEPHEC23 Diversity Data Survey

Summary of the findings from the diversity data survey at the 2023 Variety in Chemistry Education / Physics Higher Education Conference (VICEPHEC23).

VICEPHEC23 Diversity Data


Evaluation of the National Levelling Up Widening Participation Programme

Project team: Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University), Helen Gray (School of Education, Durham University), Maria Ana Chavana (School of Education, Durham University)

Levelling Up EvaluationOpens new window

Global network background

Rapid development of three Higher Education Professional Learning Networks in response to COVID-19: A case study

Project team: Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University), Jennifer Burnham (Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield), Craig Campbell (Chemistry Teaching Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford), Nigel Francis (School of Biosciences, Cardiff University), David Smith (Department of Biosciences and Chemistry, Sheffield Hallam University), Dino Spagnoli (School of Molecular Sciences, The University of Western Australia), Malcolm Stewart (Chemistry Teaching Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford), Ian Turner (Provost, Learning & Teaching: Student Performance & Engagement, University of Derby)

Link to pre-printOpens new window


Lessons Learned from Implementing Blended and Online Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory Teaching during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Project team: Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University), Mia Connor (Department of Chemistry, Durham University), Chapman Hau (Department of Chemistry, Durham University) and Jacquie Robson (Department of Chemistry, Durham University)

Link to Book ChapterOpens new window


Evaluation of Inclusion Matters – Northern Power: Making Engineering and Physical Sciences Research a Domain for All in the North of England: End of Programme

Project team: Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University), Helen Gray (School of Education, Durham University), Nadia Siddiqui (School of Education, Durham University), and Jenna Tudor (Human Resources, Northumbria University)

Inclusion Matters Evaluation ReportOpens new window

Programming code and matrix

Inclusive learning for quantum computing: supporting the aims of quantum literacy using the puzzle game Quantum Odyssey

Project team: Laurentiu Nita (Department of Physics, Durham University), Nicholas Chancellor (Department of Physics, Durham University), Laura Mazzoli Smith (School of Education, Durham University), Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University), Gulsah Dost (School of Education, Durham University)

Inclusive Learning for Quantum ComputingOpens new window

Particles collision in Hadron Collider. Astrophysics concept. 3D rendered illustration.

The challenge and opportunities of quantum literacy for future education and transdisciplinary problem-solving, Research in Science & Technological Education

Project team: Laurentiu Nita (Department of Physics, Durham University), Laura Mazzoli Smith (School of Education, Durham University), Nicholas Chancellor (Department of Physics, Durham University) and Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University)

Challenge and opportunities of quantum literacy Opens new window


The impact of Covid-19 on the English education teaching and learning environment and the potential impact on teaching for creativity

Project team: Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University), Pauline Moger (School of Education, Durham University), Victoria Menzies (School of Education, Durham University)

Impact of COVID on Creativity and Education Literature ReviewOpens new window


Baseline Evaluation of the Durham Commission on Creativity and Education

Project team: Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University), Victoria Menzies (School of Education, Durham University), Helen Gray (School of Education, Durham University), Dawn Mee (School of Education, Durham University), Paivi Eerola (School of Education, Durham University)

Baseline Evaluation of DCCE RecommendationsOpens new window

Schoolchildren and teacher in science class

Monitoring Practical Science in Schools and Colleges

Project team: Helen Cramman (School of Education, Durham University), Vanessa Kind (School of Education, Durham University), Andrew Lyth (Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring, Durham University), Helen Gray (School of Education, Durham University), Kirsty Younger (School of Education, Durham University), Adam Gemar (School of Education, Durham University), Paivi Eerola (School of Education, Durham University), Rob Coe (School of Education, Durham University) & Per Kind (School of Education, Durham University)

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